Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The Bellingham Project

Number of School: 253
Name of School: The Bellingham Community School
Name of Donor: The Bellingham Project
Location of School
Province: Preh Vihear
District: Rovieng
Commune: Rumany
Village: Phnom Dek
Status: Complete
Start of construction: 2 February, 2005
End of construction: 10 October, 2005
Student body: 127 (53 girls) (maybe next year 130)
Teaching staff: 7 (2 women) (maybe 9 next year)
Classrooms: 5
Average students per room: 25
Distance from city: 226 km
Travel Time: 5 hours

The Bellingham Community School.

A Report to donors of the Bellingham Community School

Mr. Thun Sothea, the 26-year-old school principal at The Bellingham Community School.
Chem Ratanak, a 15-year-old student in 9th grade at The Bellingham Community School.
Chin Dalin, 14 years old and 9th grade student of The Bellingham Community School.
Mrs. Leoung Hour, a 45-year-old villager with a child studying at the new school.
Chem Ratanak # 253
Chin Dalin # 253
Leoung Hour # 253