Yi Sok Leang # 131

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Beng Tret Nippon Foundation School Yi Sok Leang is a fourth grade student at the Beng Tret Nippon Foundation School. Out of the fifty-one students in her grade, she was ranked first. On herself:   I am thirteen years old, and am the youngest in my family. I have […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Beng Tret Nippon

Foundation School

Yi Sok Leang is a fourth grade student at the Beng Tret Nippon Foundation School. Out of the fifty-one students in her grade, she was ranked first.

On herself:


I am thirteen years old, and am the youngest in my family. I have two older siblings, but none of them are at school with me. My parents are both farmers but my father drives a motorcycle-taxi as well. When he has time, he helps my mom in the fields.


On the new building:


I like the new school very much. I like studying here. It is nicer than the old school. Studying here is good. I have many friends and good teachers. It’s always better to study with your friends, and all of them are together with me at this new school.


Favorite subject:


My favorite subjects are math and Khmer. I want to learn math well, because in the future I can use it for business.


On her spare time:


I do my homework and then I help my parents with their work. I cook rice, clean the house, cut grasses, and wash clothes. Sometimes I play jump rope and hopscotch with my friends.


In the future:


I’d like to sell stuff at the market. If I could do anything, I want to be a teacher or a nurse.


If she could travel anywhere


I want to go to Thailand. I want to know how people live there. I also want to see the ancient buildings in Thailand that are different from those in Cambodia. I live near Thailand but don’t know much about it, so I want to go there.