Yort Chumpou # 117

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School (December, 2001) Yort Chumpou is a 12-year-old third grade student at the Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School.  Her older sister is in fifth grade at the school.  Her parents are farmers and they live one kilometer from the school. In Their Own Words. . […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Boeung Ktum Nippon

Foundation School

(December, 2001)

Yort Chumpou is a 12-year-old third grade student at the Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School.  Her older sister is in fifth grade at the school.  Her parents are farmers and they live one kilometer from the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building:  “I like the new building because it has enough tables for all of the students and does not have a thatched roof.”


On school subjects: “I like coming to school because my mother says that if I don’t try to learn then I will be an ignorant person.  I like learning social science because I always do well at it.  I don’t like learning Khmer because I already know some.”


On her free time: “I help my parents to clean the house and work in the fields.  I like to jump rope and skip with my friends.”


On her future: “I want to graduate from high school because my parents never got a high-level education.  My father studied at the pagoda, and my mother only finished fourth grade.  I want to graduate from high school because then I will have the knowledge for a good job.  I want to be a teacher because schools are short of teachers.”


If I could do anything…:  “I would help the people in my village to build a water pump because we do not have clean water.”