Sok Kem San # 39

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Bor Yakhar Nippon Foundation School (August, 2001) Ms. Sok Kem San, 23 years old, is the Director of The Bor Yakhar Nippon Foundation School.  She has been a school director for two years, and a teacher since 1997.  In addition to being the director, she also teaches first grade. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Bor Yakhar Nippon

Foundation School

(August, 2001)

Ms. Sok Kem San, 23 years old, is the Director of The Bor Yakhar Nippon Foundation School.  She has been a school director for two years, and a teacher since 1997.  In addition to being the director, she also teaches first grade.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I like the new school building because it’s easy to teach in.  The old school building would collapse when it rained and had no walls.  During class people walking by easily distracted the students.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher because I have wanted to be a teacher since I was young.  I like teaching Khmer class because I like this subject.  Actually, I like all subjects, but this subject is my favorite.  The best thing about my job is that I can teach the kids here because I don’t want them to be ignorant people and here there is a lack of teachers.”


On the school community: “The community often comes to the school and they are very happy when they saw the new school building.  They are trying to take care of this new school building.  I plan to keep the students coming to school by making some sport places and trying to get study instruments to show the kids.”


Message for Donor:  “I and the people here would like to thank The Nippon Foundation very much.”