Sar Yut # 148

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Brian Murphy School Sar Yut is a farmer near the Brian Murphy School. On herself:   I am fifty years old. I make my living as a farmer. I grow corn, then soy and green beans. My husband died a while ago. I moved here from Takeo [province] over […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Brian Murphy School

Sar Yut is a farmer near the Brian Murphy School.

On herself:


I am fifty years old. I make my living as a farmer. I grow corn, then soy and green beans. My husband died a while ago. I moved here from Takeo [province] over ten years ago. I moved because there so many Vietnamese came to my province. Now I live right by the school.


On the new building:


I am very glad that my children can come and learn at the new school every day. Before they had to go to a school that was far away (over three kilometers). This school is new and very near our house, so I moved my children here. Two of my four children are studying here now.