Chea Sareth # 137

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Brighter Tomorrow School (September, 2001) Mr. Chea Sareth, director of The Brighter Tomorrow School.  In Their Own Words. . .  On teaching: “I was a teacher from 1979 to 1989.  At that time the villagers needed a teacher who they could only pay with rice, so I volunteered.  During […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Brighter Tomorrow School

(September, 2001)

Mr. Chea Sareth, director of The Brighter Tomorrow School.

 In Their Own Words. . . 

On teaching: “I was a teacher from 1979 to 1989.  At that time the villagers needed a teacher who they could only pay with rice, so I volunteered.  During the Khmer Rouge I was also a messenger for the district chief at Srey Santhor district in Kompong Cham province.  This year I will begin teaching again because the student population is growing and we are in need of additional teachers.”


On the new building: “I like the new school building because it is secure.  I used to worry about the old building collapsing during storms. And now the new building is strong and nice and one can store things in the rooms safely.”


On school projects: “I try my best to do my job.  I want to decorate the school, but I don’t always have enough money.  We try to make sports areas and gardens for the children.  Fortunately the government is also helping by not collecting taxes from the children and instead allowing them to come to school.”


On the community: “The school community tried to help the school by contributing 10% of construction costs and filling in the land as late as 10 PM every night.”


Message for the donor: “I would like to thank the donor and I wish him always great success.”