Brach Moun # 181

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School Brach Moun is the deputy director of the Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School On himself: I am fifty-six years old. I have taught since I was thirty-six years old. At the moment, I am teaching sixth grade. I have ten children. By now they […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Chey Mongkul Nippon

Foundation School

Brach Moun is the deputy director of the Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School

On himself: I am fifty-six years old. I have taught since I was thirty-six years old. At the moment, I am teaching sixth grade. I have ten children. By now they are all young adults, and none of them attend this school.


On the new building: I am very pleased with the new building. All the teachers appreciate it as well. Ventilation is no longer a problem. There is plenty of fresh air in the new school. At the old school, everybody would be sweating in class, and it was difficult to concentrate.


Favorite subject: The subject I like to teach the most is math. Students are generally not good in math, and I enjoy helping them improve.


On motivation: To encourage the students during exam times, I encourage them through good advice. I talk to them about the importance of studying hard.