Chuth Phai # 41

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Chhe Teal Chrum Nippon Foundation School (October, 2001) Mr. Chuth Phai is the director of the Chhe Teal Chrum Nippon Foundation School. In Their Own Words. . . On being a school director: “I have been a school director for one year.  All of our other teachers are new […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Chhe Teal Chrum Nippon

Foundation School

(October, 2001)

Mr. Chuth Phai is the director of the Chhe Teal Chrum Nippon Foundation School.

In Their Own Words. . .

On being a school director: “I have been a school director for one year.  All of our other teachers are new and not yet permanent government teachers.  I became a teacher in 1998 after training in Siem Reap.”


On the new building: “I am very happy that we have this building because I’ve never seen a new school building like this before.  This building is much more sturdy than the old one.  In the old one, sounds carried from room to room and it was hard for the students to study.”


On school subjects: “I like teaching Khmer because I have liked this subject ever since I was a student, and I want my students to be literate.  I don’t like teaching applied science because we have many problems, especially finding teaching aids.  My students like learning Khmer and mathematics, because these subjects are easy for them to learn and use.  They generally do not like learning applied science because it is difficult to understand and teachers often have trouble explaining it to the students.


On improving the school:  “I go around to the different families to push them to send their children to school.  It is like in the proverb: “Go to school quickly and come back home slowly.”  Students should understand that school is more important than other work or playing.


Message for the donor:  “I would like to thank the members of the Nippon Foundation for donating this school, and wish them happiness and longevity.”