Heang Heak # 102

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Chroy Banteay Nippon Foundation School (October, 2001) Mr. Heang Heak is the deputy village chief of Chroy Banteay.  He is also a farmer and has three children at the Chroy Banteay Nippon Foundation School. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building: “I am happy with the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Chroy Banteay Nippon

Foundation School

(October, 2001)

Mr. Heang Heak is the deputy village chief of Chroy Banteay.  He is also a farmer and has three children at the Chroy Banteay Nippon Foundation School.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I am happy with the new building because it is near my house and my children are happy to go to school there.  They used to go to another school but they didn’t like it because they had to walk three kilometers to that school every day.  I think that the new building has improved the village because there was no school here before and people only went to school for a few years.  Now that we have our own school and a new building, more people will go to school, which develops the knowledge of the villagers.”