Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School.

Number of School: 103
Name of School: The Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School
Name of Donor: Nippon Foundation
Location of School
Province: Battambang
District: Thmat Kol
Commune: Chroy Sdao
Village: Chroy Sdao
Status: Complete
Start of construction: December 16th 2001
End of construction: April 15th 2002
Student body: 890
Teaching staff: 16
Classrooms: 5 (12 in total, including older buildings)
Average students per room: 45
Distance from city: 320 km
Travel Time: one day

The entrance to the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School

The Signboard reads: “Donated by Nippon Foundation and Social Fund 2001”

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Kong Seng Hun is the school director of the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School.

Khiev Sokunthea teaches at the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School.

Bun Akpivath is a fourth grade student at the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School. Out of the fifty-five students in his class, he was ranked first.

Long Sida is a sixth grade student at the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School.




Khiev Sa Van lives near the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School

Kong Seng Hun # 103
Khiev Sokunthea # 103
Bun Akpivath # 103
Long Sida # 103
Khiev Sa Van # 103