Khiev Sa Van # 103

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School Khiev Sa Van lives near the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School On himself: I am 43 years old. I am a farmer and so is my wife. We have three sons and three daughters. My two eldest children are studying in fourth and third […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Chroy Sdao Nippon

Foundation School

Khiev Sa Van lives near the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School

On himself: I am 43 years old. I am a farmer and so is my wife. We have three sons and three daughters. My two eldest children are studying in fourth and third grade in at the Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School. Our house is one kilometer away from the school.


On the new building: I am happy that we have got a new building. It is bigger than the old school and made of strong concrete. It is easy for the children to study in it, and I think that it will help our children’s future. As the representative of this village I would like to thank the donor for his generosity, and wish him good health and success in his business.