Soup Si # 119

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Dang Run Nippon Foundation School Mr. Soup Si is a farmer living near the Dang Run Nippon Foundation School. On himself: I am 33 years old, and a farmer. I have two sons and three daughters. Two of my children study at the Dang Run Nippon Foundation School, in […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Dang Run Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Soup Si is a farmer living near the Dang Run Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: I am 33 years old, and a farmer. I have two sons and three daughters. Two of my children study at the Dang Run Nippon Foundation School, in second and third grade. The other are still too young to study. My house is about 200 meters from the school. My wife is also a farmer.


On the new building: I am very happy with the new building. It looks so much bigger and stronger than the old building. I thank the donor who provided this school for my children.