Nhek Ream # 32

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Diana and Al Kaff School (September, 2001) Nhek Ream is a 15-year-old fourth grade student at the Diana and Al Kaff School.  He was ranked sixth in his class of 61 students.  His parents are farmers and his two younger sisters also study at the school. In Their Own […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Diana and Al Kaff School

(September, 2001)

Nhek Ream is a 15-year-old fourth grade student at the Diana and Al Kaff School.  He was ranked sixth in his class of 61 students.  His parents are farmers and his two younger sisters also study at the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new school: “When I am at the new school building it is easier to write lessons and more comfortable to sit.  Unlike the old building there is space to keep books on the table.  Before, there were many holes in the roof and rain would leak through.  Now I can concentrate easier on what my teacher is explaining.”


On his hobbies: “When I have free time I take care of my cows and take them to the field to eat grass.  At home I carry the water from the well to put in jars.  I like playing hide-and-seek with my friends.”


On his family: “My parents want me to graduate from high school, but they are afraid they will have no more money.  If I finish tenth grade I will help my parents with work at home.”


On his future: “If I could do anything in the world I would do medical work.  I could help my parents, my siblings, and my relatives when they get sick.”


Message to the donor: “I would like to thank the donor for donating the new school building for me so that my sisters and I can gain knowledge.  I wish them good health.”