Kong Sum # 91

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Friends of Judith Wolf School (September, 2001) Mr. Kong Sum, director of The Friends of Judith Wolf School. On the new building: “The new school building is very new and strong.  It is unlike what many villages have ever seen.  I estimate that there will be 126 more children […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Friends of Judith

Wolf School

(September, 2001)

Mr. Kong Sum, director of The Friends of Judith Wolf School.

On the new building: “The new school building is very new and strong.  It is unlike what many villages have ever seen.  I estimate that there will be 126 more children at this school, because the new building is attracting so many new students.  I am registering new students every day.”


On teaching: “I became a teacher after having been a medic because I love this job.  Sometimes it is difficult to control my staff because there is never enough money for their salaries.  Their salaries are not enough to support their families so sometimes they leave the profession.”


On school subjects: “I like teaching mathematics because it’s a key.  I think most generations don’t understand mathematics so I think it is all the more important that the children understand the subject.”


On the community: “The school community is trying to support the building as much as they can.”


Message for the donor:  “I would like to thank the friends of Judith Wolf for donating this new school building for us.”