Ngeap Sokum # 149

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Gene and Nora Hahn School Ngeap Sokum is a third grade student at the Gene and Nora Hahn School. Out of the forty-five students in her class, she was ranked third.l. On herself: I am fourteen years old. I have five siblings. Three of them are at school. My […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Gene and Nora

Hahn School

Ngeap Sokum is a third grade student at the Gene and Nora Hahn School.
Out of the forty-five students in her class, she was ranked third.l.

On herself: I am fourteen years old. I have five siblings. Three of them are at school. My parents are rice farmers. We live 200 meters away from school.


On the new building: The school is very good. We never had a building like this before. Before the school was built, I was planting rice, because there was no school to go to.


On her spare time: I help my parents farm. I help them transplant the rice. I also do the dishes at home, after every meal. When I have time, I like to play soccer with my friends (boys and girls).


In the future: I want to be a teacher, because I want to teach children. If I could do anything, I would like to continue studying in a foreign country, for example France.


Favorite subject: I like math the most.