Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The flag is being raised before the start of the school day.  (October, 2001)

Number of School: 78
Name of School: The Jack Bora Feeney School
Name of Donor: Bernadette and Michael Feeney
Location of School
Province: Koh Kong
District: Kompong Sela
Commune: Sangkat 2
Village: Phoun Thmei
Status: Complete
Start of Construction: March 22, 2001
End of Construction: July 1, 2000
District Population: 13,455
Student Body: 315
Distance from Phnom Penh: 135 km
Travel time: 2:00
Teaching Staff: 6
Classrooms: 5
Average students per class: 45

The signboard reads “Donated by Bernadette and Michael Feeney and the Social Fund, 2001.”  (October, 2001)

Children playing in front of the Jack Bora Feeney School. (October, 2001)


In Their Own Words

Mr. Chey Sath is the director of the Jack Bora Feeney School.
San Srey Mom is a 16-year-old second grade student at the Jack Bora Feeney School. 
Ven Sa is a 10-year-old first grade student at the Jack Bora Feeney School. 
Mrs. Sok Khe is a farmer and shopkeeper with one daughter at the Jack Bora Feeney School.
Chey Sath # 78
San Srey Mom # 78
Ven Sa # 78
Sok Khe # 78