Noeu Kanha # 142

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School Noeu Kanha is a fifth grade student at The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School Her parents are both farmers, and she has one sister and three brothers. At fourteen, she is the youngest in her family. To get to school, she walks for fifteen minutes. Out […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25)


Noeu Kanha is a fifth grade student at The Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School

Her parents are both farmers, and she has one sister and three brothers. At fourteen, she is the youngest in her family. To get to school, she walks for fifteen minutes. Out of the thirty-four students in her class, Kanha was ranked second. The white areas of the pillars behind Kanha show how far up the water came in the most recent flood.

On the new building: I like the new building very much. It’s easier to pay attention in it. The
old school had holes in the walls, and missing tiles. Whenever it rained, we
would always get wet.


On studying: I like to go to school. I want to learn at this school. I’ve never studied
in a building like this before.


On her spare time: I like to read books. My favorites are Khmer storybooks. When my parents
need me, I help them cook. I like cooking soup most.


In the future: I want to become a teacher. I want to teach Khmer literature to the younger
generation. It is important to know Khmer literature, because it teaches
[Khmers] about our heritage. It also teaches us about how to live our lives;
for example, how to deal with floods, or how to help blind people.