Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

“The interviews for this school are the same as those for the Kampot Nippon Foundation School, as the students of both schools will be sharing the two buildings.”

The Kampot Nippon Foundation School, May 2003

Number of School: 174
Name of School: The Kampot Nippon Foundation School
Name of Donor: Nippon Foundation
Location of School
Province: Preah Vihear
District: Rovieng
Commune: Rohas
Village: Thkeng
Status: Complete
Start of construction: October 29th 2002
End of construction: January 27th 2003
Student body: 270
Teaching staff: 6
Classrooms: 3
Number of Classrooms: 6
Average Class Size: 45
Distance from city: 268 km
Travel Time: Dry season: 5 hrs 40 min Wet season: 5 hrs 40 min

Teachers at the Kampot Nippon Foundation School and the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School. The signboard reads: “Donated by the Nippon Foundation and Mr. Huot Sok Thoeun”






In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr Pen Samerdy is the deputy director of both the Kampot Nippon Foundation School and the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School.
Prak Sithan is a fourth grade student at the Kampot Nippon Foundation School.
Chan Mean is a sixth grade student at the Kampot Nippon Foundation School.
Thon Chet is a third grade student, and will be attending the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School as soon as it opens
Mrs. Chan Yieng sells flavored shaved ice by the Kampot Nippon Foundation School and the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School.
Pen Samerdy # 174
Prak Sithan # 174
Chan Mean # 174
Thon Chet # 174
Chan Yieng # 174