Pen Samerdy # 174

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kampot Nippon Foundation School Mr. Pen Samerdy is the deputy director of both the Kampot Nippon Foundation School and the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School. On himself: I am thirty-three years old. I have three children. My wife sells clothes, sandals, and school supplies at the Robieb market. My house […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kampot Nippon Foundation


Mr. Pen Samerdy is the deputy director of both the Kampot Nippon Foundation School
and the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: I am thirty-three years old. I have three children. My wife sells clothes, sandals, and school supplies at the Robieb market. My house is four kilometers away from the school. It journey takes ten minutes by motorcycle.


On the new buildings:


Before, at the old school, it was very difficult to teach. I felt frustrated. We’ve just received these new school buildings, and I’m very happy. The new schools are of good quality, and much better than the old. They both have solar panels. I am worried that someone will steal the solar panels. Therefore we have some students sleep in the classrooms with solar panels every night to see that no one takes it.


On teaching:


I don’t personally teach. We have enough teachers already. I only supervise. Right now there are still some students studying at the old school, while we wait for desks to arrive at the Thkeng Nippon Foundation School. When the desks arrive, we will even the classes out. Right now the average class size for those at the old school is twenty-five, while at the new school it’s forty-five… Many of the students stay at home to work instead of going to school, because their parents are poor. It’s a big problem, as they miss too many classes, and have to stay back.