Taing Thavy # 113

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kan Tourth Nippon Foundation School Taing Thavy is a third grade student at the Kan Tourth Nippon Foundation School. Out of the 46 students in her class she was ranked number ten. On herself: “I have one brother and three sisters. I am the second eldest in my family. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kan Tourth Nippon

Foundation School

Taing Thavy is a third grade student at the Kan Tourth Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the 46 students in her class she was ranked number ten.

On herself: “I have one brother and three sisters. I am the second eldest in my family. My eldest brother stopped studying because he has to help my parents with the farming. My two sisters are studying in grade one and two of this new building. My parents are both farmers. The distance between our home and the school is about 100 meters. I come here on foot.”


On her free time: “In my free time I like reading books.”


On school subject: “I like to study mathematics because it makes me clever.”


On her future:

“In the future I want to be a teacher. I want to teach the children of the next generation in this village. I would like to enable them to continue their studies at a secondary school.”