Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

Number of School: 17
Name of School: The Kazuko Nishie School
Name of Donor: Kazuko Nishie
Location of School
Province: Preah Vihear
District: Tbaing Meanchey
Commune: Kompong Pranak
Village: Andong Pou
Status: Complete
Start of Construction: 12 January, 2000
End of construction: 15 May, 2000
District Population: 21,356
Student Body: 438
Classrooms: 5
Average student per class: 43
First Day of Class: 15 May, 2000
Distance from Phnom Penh: 318 km
Travel Time: 8 hours (dry season)


Click here to see the opening ceremony photos

In Their Own Words. . . 

  Chaun Soph On, director of The Kazuko Nishie School


Cheim Bun Ny, a teacher at The Kazuko Nishie School


Norng Chot Vosan, a teacher at The Kazuko Nishie School


Raksmei Chan Rasy, a 3rd grade student at The Kazuko Nishie School
  Chou Povalin, a 6 grade student at The Kazuko Nishie School
  Mr. Noung Thach teaches at the school
  Mrs. Hen Then lives 600 meters from the Kazuko Nishie School
Click here to see the opening ceremony photos
Chaun Soph # 17
Cheim Bun Ny # 17
Norng Chot Vosan # 17
Raksmei Chan Rasy # 17
Chou Povalin # 17
Noung Thach # 17
Hen Then # 17