Kun Thhuok # 165

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kdey Krav Nippon Foundation School Mr. Kun Thhuok is a thirty-two years old farmer by the Kdey Krav Nippon Foundation School. I have two daughters. They both are studying in the first grade at the concrete school. My house is right in front of the school. I have been […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kdey Krav Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Kun Thhuok is a thirty-two years old farmer by the Kdey Krav Nippon Foundation School.

I have two daughters. They both are studying in the first grade at the concrete school. My house is right in front of the school. I have been living here for only three years. We are grow rice on a plot of 7 000 m² land for domestic consumption, but it’s not enough to feed ourselves. Cambodia is either lacking water or is flooding, making the agricultural business difficult.

I’m happy with the concrete building donated by Nippon Foundation, because it is easy for my children and the other children of the village to study there. The education at this school will enable them to get good jobs and as a result may help improve the living condition of our village in the long run. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the donor and to wish them a long life.

Mr. Kun Thhuok outside of his house.