Phal Sothan # 11

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kimiko Morisaki School No. One Phal Sothan, a fifth grade student (March, 2001) In Their Own Words. . .  on his life and family: “I am 14 years old. I have two brothers. My father passed away a long time ago, and my mother is a farmer. I stay […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kimiko Morisaki School No. One

Phal Sothan, a fifth grade student (March, 2001)

In Their Own Words. . . 

on his life and family: “I am 14 years old. I have two brothers. My father passed away a long time ago, and my mother is a farmer. I stay with a Christian NGO (non-governmental organization) near the school. My younger brother is Phal Veasnea. He is 7 years old, in the first grade, and he studies at another school. My other younger brother is Phal Sam Nang. He is 10 years old and studies at the same school as Veasnea.”


on the new building: “I am happy with the new school building because it’s easy
to clean.” (In most schools in Cambodia, the students take the
responsibility of keeping the school grounds and classrooms clean.)
on school subjects: “I like to study Khmer because I can learn how to
read and write. I don’t like to study social science because it makes me bored and is difficult to learn.”


on his hobbies: “I like reading when I have free time.”


on his future:  “I would like to work with an NGO in the future for the experience.”