Phok Sino # 12

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two Phok Sino, a third grade student Phok Sino is in the third grade at The Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two.  He is 14 years old and is ranked first in his class of 36 students. In Their Own Words. . .  On his family […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two

Phok Sino, a third grade student

Phok Sino is in the third grade at The Kimiko Morisaki School Number Two.  He is 14 years old and is ranked first in his class of 36 students.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On his family “I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters.  My oldest brother is Phok Ty is 28 and works in Thailand (Banteay Meanchey province borders Thailand).  He can earn about US$3 a day there.  He stopped studying after 2nd grade because of my family had not money.  My next oldest brother is Phok Then.  He is 23 years old, married, and is a farmer in Kompong Speu province.  He stopped studying after the fourth grade because we had no money for him.  My third oldest brother is Phok Sina.  He is 16 years old and helps my parents.  He stopped studying after the first grade also because of money.  My oldest sister is Phok Pen.  She is 21 years old and stopped studying after second grade.  She is living in Kompong Speu with my aunt. My next oldest sister is Phok On.  She is 20 and she used to be a nurse for the Khmer Rouge and is married now.  My next sister is Phok Sinath.  She is 19 years old and is working in Phnom Penh as a garment factory worker.  She sends money home to my parents.  She stopped studying after the fifth grade.  My youngest sister is Phok Chanthy.  She is 15 years old and is a farmer in Thailand.  She never went to school.  Mong Meas, my father, is 60 and is a farmer.  My mother, Keo Khan, is 52 and she is also a farmer.”


On the new building “I like the new building because it’s very clean and the roof does not leak when it is raining.”


On going to school “I like going to school because school can give me knowledge.  Geography is my favorite subject because it is easy.”


On hobbies “I like to read and play football in my free time because it makes me happy and healthy.”


On his future “I want to be a teacher in the future because I want to teach the future generations.”


Message to the donor “I would like to thank Tokunori Morisaki who helped this new school building.”