The Kirivorn School
Number of School: | 90 |
Name of School: | The Kirivorn School |
Name of Donor: | Nishimachi International School |
Location of School | |
Province: | Koh Kong |
District: | Kompong Seila |
Commune: | Steng Chhay |
Village: | Kirivorn |
Status: | Complete |
Start of construction: | February 23, 2001 |
End of construction: | April 25, 2001 |
District Population: | 13,455 |
Student body in new building (Total/Female): | 370 |
Teaching staff (total/women): | 3 / 2 |
Classrooms: | 5 rooms (1 room=72 m2) |
Average students per class: | 35 |
Distance from Phnom Penh: | 159 km |
Travel time (Dry/Wet): | 2h30mn (both seasons) |
In Their Own Words. . .