Kang Sophan # 90

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kirivorn School Kang Sophan is a 12-year-old fifth grade student at the Kirivorn School.  She was ranked seventh among the 24 students in her fourth grade class.  She has two brothers and one sister.  Her brothers are also at the school.  Her parents are farmers, and she lives in […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kirivorn School

Kang Sophan is a 12-year-old fifth grade student at the Kirivorn School.  She was ranked seventh among the 24 students in her fourth grade class.  She has two brothers and one sister.  Her brothers are also at the school.  Her parents are farmers, and she lives in Kirivorn village, about 500 m from the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I like the new building because it was very difficult to study in the old building.”


On going to school: “I like to come to school because I want to get a good job.”


On school subjects: “I like learning mathematics because I am good at this subject.  Actually, I like all subjects, but mathematics is my favorite.”


 On her hobbies: “I carry water for our family to drink and bathe, and I also like to read.  With my friends, I like to play lot antak.”

[‘Lot antak’ is a jumping game all Cambodian children like to play. It is similar to a ‘high jump,’ where children try to jump over ‘rope’ made of rubber bands. The making of the rubber band ropes is a tedious and intricate process, which many children devote a lot of time to.  You can see a picture of children playing ‘lot antak’ on the page for the Wakako Hironaka School  (Kunthea—please link it here).]


 On her future:   “I want to graduate from high school because my great uncle also finished high school and now he has a good job, so I want to get an education like him.  My parents want me to as well, because they are afraid that otherwise I will not get an education like them.  I want to be a nurse to help people, and do things to make the country better.”


 If I could go anywhere…  “I would go to the beach at Kampong Som (Sihanoukville) because I want to relax there.”


 Message for Nishimachi:   “I would like to thank the students of Nishimachi International School very much for donating this nice school building.”