Meas Teng # 90

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kirivorn School   Mr. Meas Teng is a farmer living near the Kirivorn School.  In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building:  “I am very happy with the new school because it allows the children in this village to have a good education.  My son is in […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kirivorn School


Mr. Meas Teng is a farmer living near the Kirivorn School.

 In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building:  “I am very happy with the new school because it allows the children in this village to have a good education.  My son is in fifth grade at the school along with two of my grandsons and one granddaughter”


On the effect of the new building: “I think this new building has improved the village because we could not have built a building like this with our own resources for our children.  Eventually, the children who learn at this school will use their knowledge to develop this village.”


Message for Nishimachi: “On behalf of the villagers here, I would like to thank the students of Nishimachi International School for donating this very nice new building for us and I wish you all success.”