Opening Ceremony 90

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kirivorn School Kirvorn School Opening Ceremony November 2, 2001 The students of the Kirivorn School and the villagers of Kirivorn line up to greet the representatives from Nishimachi Local residents and school children wait for the opening ceremony to begin Two students of the Kirivorn School hoist the Cambodia […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kirivorn School

Kirvorn School Opening Ceremony
November 2, 2001

The students of the Kirivorn School and the villagers of Kirivorn
line up to greet the representatives from Nishimachi

Local residents and school children wait for the opening
ceremony to begin

Two students of the Kirivorn School hoist
the Cambodia flag at the beginning of ceremony

Dr. Thomas Walters, Headmaster of Nishimachi International School,
and John Vandenbrink, Chairman of the Board of Directors, introduce
themselves and Nishimachi to Kirivorn. Meng Dy, of JRFC, translates.

Students sitting down to listent the speeches while Rural School Program Officer
Douglas Schlemmer, films the ceremony

Villagers, wearing traditional Krama scarves to keep away from sun,
watch the ceremony

John Vandenbrink and Principal Gary Culbertson
distribute gifts to the students

Hoken Uchiyama, center, and Janet Walter-Kerr, distribute
more of the pens

Ms. Walter-Kerr showing some Kirivorn students photos
of themselves taken with her digital camera, as Principle Culbertston is speaking
with some of the the students, through Meng Dy

A student inspects a pen, one of the gifts he received from
the Nishimachi group

Principal Culbertson speaking with Mr. Hok Boy,
Director of the Kirivorn School

Dr. Walters speaks to one of the students of the Kirivorn School

Students, in their blue and white uniforms, race home  from the school

Villagers from Kirivorn and the surrounding villages returning
home after the ceremony

Two Kirivorn children saying thank you and good bye to the Nishmachi
group using the traditional Cambodian ‘Sampeas’ greeting