Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors


The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kome Hyappyo School 

(100 Sacks of Rice)

The opening ceremony (April 7, 2000)

Number of School:
Name of School:
The Kome Hyappyo School (100 Sacks of Rice)
Name of Donor:
Tokyo Shishinokai
Location of School
Kampong Cham
District: Batheay
Commune: Pgav
Village: Taing Boeung
Start of Construction: December 7, 1999
End of Construction: March 30, 2000
Construction Company: Chea On Const.
District Population: 25,000
Student body: 633
Teaching Staff: 8
Classrooms: 5 (1 room=72 m2)
Average Students per Class: 42
Distance to school from Phnom Penh 65 km (1h30mn)

A student works on the new school computer. (April 7, 2000)

Mr. Van Neun, the Director of the Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks of Rice) School
Meng Srey Puch, an 11-year-old third grade student at the school
Chon Kunthear, a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the school.
Sei Mai is a villager with grandchildren studying at the school.


All photos by Heng Sinith.  May not be reproduced without permission

Visit the opening ceremony
Read the press release of the opening
Van Neun # 15
Meng Srey Puch # 15
Chon Kunthear # 15
Sei Mai # 15