Chon Kunthear # 15

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kome Hyappyo School  (100 Sacks of Rice) Chon Kunthear is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Kome Hyappyo School. (August, 2001) Chon Kunthear is a 15-year old boy. He is learning in the 5th grade of Kome Hyappyo School. In the yearly record, he was third among the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kome Hyappyo School 

(100 Sacks of Rice)

Chon Kunthear is a 15-year-old fifth grade student at the Kome Hyappyo School. (August, 2001)

Chon Kunthear is a 15-year old boy. He is learning in the 5th grade of Kome Hyappyo School. In the yearly record, he was third among the 45 children in his class.  He has four brothers and three sisters and lives in Taing Beung village.  His brother and sister also study at the school.  One of his sisters is a teacher there.  His house is about 250 meters from the school, and he goes to school on foot.  His mother and father are farmers.

In Their Own Words

On school subjects: “I am good at Khmer and mathematics.  I dislike social studies and applied sciences.  I like Khmer language because it is easy for me to study.”


On his hobbies: “I like to play volleyball and football.”


On traveling: “I have visited several places in the country such as Phnom Penh, Ta Mao Zoo, Ba Seth Mountain resort and provinces of Takeo, Kampot and Siem Reap.  If I am ever rich enough to afford an airplane ticket, I would like to fly to Japan.  I think Japan is a developed country with high technology.”


On his future:  “I want to be a mechanic when I grow up.  When people are repairing a motorbike or car, I like to go watch.”