Pon Pin # 45

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Kon Phnom Nippon Foundation School  (August, 2001) Pon Pin is a 13-year-old fourth grade student.  He was ranked 19th among the 45 students in his class.  His father has passed away and his mother farms and works for the Women’s Association. In Their Own Words. . . On the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Kon Phnom Nippon Foundation


(August, 2001)

Pon Pin is a 13-year-old fourth grade student.  He was ranked 19th among the 45 students in his class.  His father has passed away and his mother farms and works for the Women’s Association.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building:  “I like the new building because it makes it easy for me to study.  In the old school building it was hard to study because there were no tables or blackboards.”


On school subjects: “I like learning mathematics because it makes learning other subjects easy.  I dislike social science because it makes me bored sometimes.”


On his hobbies: “I like to read because I want to gain knowledge for the future.”


On his past: “I was born in Thailand, and my family moved back here 13 years ago.”

[During the fighting of the last two decades, many Cambodians fled to refugee camps in Thailand.]