Chourng Chan Dara # 53

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Maki School Chourng Chan Dara, a fifth grade student (April, 2001) Chourng Chan Dara is 13 years old and is in the fifth grade at The Maki School. In Their Own Words. . .  on her new school: “I am happy with the new building because it is very […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Maki School

Chourng Chan Dara, a fifth grade student (April, 2001)

Chourng Chan Dara is 13 years old and is in the fifth grade at The Maki School.

In Their Own Words. . . 

on her new school: “I am happy with the new building because it is very near my house. I like to go to school because I like to learn.”


on school subjects: “I like to learn all of the subjects because I want to know everything.”


on her free time: “In my free time I like to help with my mother’s work, and I like to talk to my friends.”


on her future: “When I grow up I want to work for a big company because I will be able to earn a lot of money.”