Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

Number of School: 266
Name of School: The Monique Brousseau School
Name of Donor: Adrew Roach and Martha Taylor Roach
Location of School
Province: Siem Reap
District: Chikreng
Commune: Kauk Thlork Krom
Village: Thnal Ta Set
Status: Complete
Start of construction: 2nd July 2005
End of construction: 11th November 2005
Average Student Body: 453
Teaching Staff: 6
Classrooms: 5
Average Students per class: 45
Distance from Provincial Capital: 75 km
Travel Time: 90 minutes from the provincial town

A nurse shows the schoolchildren how to use their toothbrush to clean their teeth.

The schoolchildren raise their toothbrush to indicate that they have received one.

Opening Ceremony

Click here to visit the Victory Garden” of the school

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Vinh Nhor is the 35-year-old school director of the Monique Brousseau School.
Phy Bunthong is a 15-year-old grade 6 student at the Monique Brousseau School.
Pov Hunchou is a 13-year-old grade 6 student at the Monique Brousseau School.
Mrs. Sem Yan is a 38-years old farmer in the school village.
Opening Ceremony 266
The Victory Garden 266
Vinh Nhor # 266
Phy Bunthong # 266
Pov Hunchou # 266
Sem Yan # 266