Nhem Dara # 150

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Nicholas and Zachary Poor School Nhem Dara is a second grade student at the Nicholas and Zachary Poor School. He is twelve years old.  He was ranked second in the first semester of this year among his 52 classmates. He has six brothers and four sisters. He is the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Nicholas and Zachary

Poor School

Nhem Dara is a second grade student at the Nicholas and Zachary Poor School. He is twelve years old.  He was ranked second in the first semester of this year among his 52 classmates. He has six brothers and four sisters. He is the fifth child in the family. His house is about 1.5 km away from the school. He walks for 30 minutes to get to school every day

On his studies:


“I am studying mathematics at the moment and I like to study it too. I think that mathematics is more important than other subjects and it is used more often in daily life. I hate applied science because it is difficult to remember, though I have tried to memorize what we’ve learned several times. Most of my classmates are good in Khmer literature. I am very happy to learn that my school will get computer and English lessons because I want to take them. ”


On the new building:


“It was bad studying last year in the old wooden building. There were only two classes there: first and second grade. This year, in the new building, there are four classes altogether, from first to fourth grade. Now that there are more kids enrolled, I am happy. The classroom we have now is big and comfortable to sit in, not crowded like the old classroom.”


On his future:


“When I grow up, I want to be a teacher because I think that teaching is learning. On the other hand, other people will respect me by calling me “Teacher”, the title that I like the most.”