Chea Sareurn # 144

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Non No School Mrs. Chea Sareurn, a 48-year-old villager with a son studying at the Non No School. Mrs. Chea Sareurn is a 48-years-old villager living in the school village. She moved from the low-land province to live in the school village since 1998. She lives with her daughter […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Non No School

Mrs. Chea Sareurn, a 48-year-old villager with a son studying at the Non No School.

Mrs. Chea Sareurn is a 48-years-old villager living in the school village. She moved from the low-land province to live in the school village since 1998. She lives with her daughter who runs a small grocery shop in the village.

“I have six children; one of them studying at the Non No School. I want my son to continue his study and receive enough knowledge to get a better job.”

“I often see my son doing homework at night and sometime during the day time.”

“I like the new school building because it’s nice and strong and near to my house; which is easy for my son to learn in.”