Roeum Sok Ny # 106

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Cham Long Nippon Foundation School Roeum Sok Ny is a 13-year-old 4th grade student at the O Cham Long Nippon Foundation School Roeum Sok Ny is a 13-year-old 4th grade student. She has four sisters and brothers. Only she comes to study at the new school from her […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Cham Long Nippon

Foundation School

Roeum Sok Ny is a 13-year-old 4th grade student at the
O Cham Long Nippon Foundation School

Roeum Sok Ny is a 13-year-old 4th grade student. She has four sisters and brothers. Only she comes to study at the new school from her family, while her older sister goes to another Primary school 4 km away from this school. She was ranked Number 1 among her 35 classmates in the first semester of this year.

“I am good in Khmer literature and then the social studies, but I am weak in mathe,” she said. “It is too difficult for it has many questions,” she said. “Compared with mathe, Khmer literature is easy both to read and to understand,” she said.

“When I grow up, I want to be, first, a singer and second a teacher,” she said. “I think that the singer can earn more money than the teacher,” she said. “Now I am worry that my parent has no money to support my study,” she said.

“I like new school because it is nice and it is comfortable to study in,” she said. “The old school was leaky when it rain,” she said.

“Now I have a close classmate. She is polite, soft and honest,” she said. “I like her behavior and make her my close friend,” she said.

At home, she assists her family in doing some small works such as cooking, cleaning the dishes, carrying water and washing my own clothes.

Hobbies: volleyball, Jumping with rubber bands and listening to the song on the radio.