Ros Oeun # 106

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Cham Long Nippon Foundation School Mr. Ros Oeun is the director of the O Cham Long Nippon Foundation school. Ros Oeun  is 49 years old. He married with 6 children. Two of his children come to learn at the new school. The oldest son has already married and […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Cham Long Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Ros Oeun is the director of the O Cham Long Nippon Foundation school.

Ros Oeun  is 49 years old. He married with 6 children. Two of his children come to learn at the new school. The oldest son has already married and has 2 children. The director’s house is about 300 meters away from the school. He rides a motorcycle to school everyday.

He was officially appointed to the school director by the Ministry of Education in 1997 when the hard line Khmer Rouge surrendered and integrated into the Royal Government. Before 1997 the school was under the Khmer Rouge zone.

“I was made a teacher in 1984 by the regime of Democratic Kampuchea,” he said, adding that there was no school building and the students studied under the trees.

“In 1984 there were two classes in this school, 1st and 2nd grade, and I taught the 1st grade with 27 students,” he said. Later I was in charge of the educational service in three districts—Sampov Loon, Phnom Prek and Kamrieng, he said.

“In the old school, the building is small, narrow and the children lacked tables to sit in,” he said. ” When there is raining it leaked,” he said. “For the new building, it is broad and equipped with sufficient tables, chairs and blackboard, which created a favorable condition for children to study,” he said.

“Since the new building was built, I noted that children are happy of having learned at the new building and they are rarely absent as compared with the previously when they were in the old school building,” he said.

He said that he like this school because it is fine and strong.

Message to the donor: “I would like to express deep thanks to donors who had built the school for the children in the village to study in and wish them good health and happiness,” he said.