Chhan Chheang # 169

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Chrey Nippon Foundation School Mr. Chhan Chheang is a forty-year old farmer with two children studying at the O Chrey Nippon Foundation School. On his history: “I was born in one of the villages in Staung district, Kompong Thom province. My family is very poor, so I decided […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Chrey Nippon Foundation


Mr. Chhan Chheang is a forty-year old farmer with two children studying at the O Chrey Nippon Foundation School.

On his history: “I was born in one of the villages in Staung district, Kompong Thom province. My family is very poor, so I decided to leave the village because of the hardships that come with poverty. I moved to this village five years ago. At the beginning, I worked as a laborer in order to make enough money to buy food. Then I went to Thailand to work in the morning, and returned home in the evening with 50 to 60 Bath (roughly $2 US). Now my living condition is making progress.


On the old building: In 1999, the community and villagers started building a two-room school made of wood, and covered with a thatched roof. The wall was made of palm leaves and the building had no windows or a door. In the beginning, the school was taught by two volunteer teachers.


On the new building: I am very happy the new concrete school was built for the children in my village. I think of the new building as a light that shines and lights up the children’s future.