Kong Chamroeun # 169

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Chrey Nippon Foundation School Kong Chamroeun is a second grade student at the O Chrey Nippon Foundation School. Among his 30 classmates, he was ranked first. He is fifteen years old, and the oldest son in a family of seven. Four of his siblings come to study at […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Chrey Nippon Foundation


Kong Chamroeun is a second grade student at the O Chrey Nippon Foundation School. Among his 30 classmates, he was ranked first. He is fifteen years old, and the oldest son in a family of seven. Four of his siblings come to study at the new school. His parents are farmers. His house is about 500 meters away from the school. He walks to school every day, and it takes about ten minutes.

On his studies: I like Khmer better than other subjects, because it explains many words, and I want to expand my vocabulary. For me, mathematics is hard to learn. We study measurements, like meter, centimeter, decimeter, and I am bad at remember what the measurements are.


On his future:

I want to be a teacher when I grow up. As a teacher, I can transfer my knowledge to the younger generation. I want them to learn more than me. However, after I finish primary school, my mother wants me to leave school and help the family farm, because we have a big rice field.

In his free time:


At home, I have to take care of my younger brothers and sisters, and carry water from the well, which is about 500 meters away from our house.




I like volleyball.