Aouk Va # 168

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Lahong Nippon Foundation School Aouk Va is a ten-year-old, second grade student at the O Lahong Nippon Foundation School. He was ranked tenth out of the 45 students in his class On himself:   Sokhea is my sister. I’m the third child in my family.   On the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Lahong Nippon

Foundation School

Aouk Va is a ten-year-old, second grade student at the O Lahong Nippon Foundation School.
He was ranked tenth out of the 45 students in his class

On himself:


Sokhea is my sister. I’m the third child in my family.


On the new building:


I’m happy to have this new building. It’s pretty. Before this building came, I used to go to the old school. The old building had a lot of holes, and the rain would always drip or splash into the classroom.


Favorite subject:


My favorite subject is Khmer, because it helps me become wise.


On his spare time:


I help my parents and take care of my younger brother and sister.


If he could have any wish:


I would wish for a concrete house, because it’s comfortable to sleep in.


If he could travel anywhere:


Then I’d travel to Kompong Cham. My uncle and aunt live there. I could go and help them farm.