Noun Sang # 121

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Sngourt Nippon Foundation School Mr. Noun Sang is a seventy-four year old farmer and lives right by the O Sngourt Nippon Foundation School.  On the new building: I am happy with the new building because it is big and strong and made of concrete. It is much better […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Sngourt Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Noun Sang is a seventy-four year old farmer and lives right by
the O Sngourt Nippon Foundation School. 

On the new building: I am happy with the new building because it is big and strong and made of concrete. It is much better than the old building. I think that in the future all the kids in this villager will find a good job. I thank the donor who provided this village with such a school, and wish him success in his business.