Ten Sokhon # 152

The Cambodia Rural School Project The O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School Ten Sokhon is a 15-year-old, fifth grade student at the O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School. Out of her 47 classmates, she was ranked second. On herself:   I have three sisters and one brother. Two of them are studying at school here. My parents […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The O Tnaot Nippon

Foundation School

Ten Sokhon is a 15-year-old, fifth grade student at the O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School.
Out of her 47 classmates, she was ranked second.

On herself:


I have three sisters and one brother. Two of them are studying at school here. My parents are both farmers, but my father also makes palm sugar. Our house is one kilometer away from here. It takes me about half an hour to walk from my house to school.


On the new building:


I enjoy learning at the new school. The school has new desks and new blackboards, which is good. Since all the classrooms have walls, there’s much less noise.


Favorite subject:


I like learning math the most.


On her spare time:


In my spare time I cook and feed the pigs. I also cut firewood, collect water from the well, and help my mother make mats for sleeping. If I have time, I also go to the fields to look for bamboo shoots. We use them for cooking.


In the future:


I want to be a teacher.


If she could travel anywhere


I would go to Kampong Thom. I want to visit the market there.


If she could have one wish:


I would wish that the village could get a threshing mill where all the villagers could come and clean their rice.