Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

(August, 2001)

Number of School: 80
Name of School: The Osamu and Noriko Sugita School
Name of Donor: Osamu and Noriko Sugita
Location of School
Province: Svay Rieng
District: Romeas Hek
Commune: Doung
Village: Poun
Status: Complete
Start of Construction: April 10, 2000
End of Construction  October 29, 2000
District Population: 122,196
Student body: 320
Teaching Staff: 5
Classrooms: 5
Average students per class: 50
Distance from Phnom Penh: 180 km
Travel Time: 6:00(wet season), 5:00 (dry season)

A view of the rear of the new school building.  (August, 2001)

Opening Ceremony

The Sugita family at the beginning of their school’s opening ceremony. (April 1, 2002)

The Sugita family and some of the villagers of Poun village. (April 1, 2002)

Mrs. Noriko Sugita receiving a medal from the governor of Svay Rieng Province recognizing her generosity. (April 1, 2002)

Mrs. Sugita distributing gifts to the school children. (April 1, 2002)

Mr. Osamu Sugita demonstrating a yo-yo, one of the many toys they gave to the students at their school. (April 1, 2002)

In Their Own Words. . . 

  Kong Thon, director of the Osamu and Noriko Sugita School
  Sok Savit, a third grade teacher
  Kuch Phanet, a third grade student
  Long Deun, a villager
   Men Nourn is an 11-year-old second grade student at the school
Kong Thon # 80
Sok Savit # 80
Kuch Phanet # 80
Long Deun # 80
Men Nourn # 80