Kuch Phanet # 80

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Osamu and Noriko Sugita School “I, Kuch Phanet, am nine years old and am studying in the third grade of this new school. I am the #5 student in my class, out of 33 students.” In Their Own Words. . . On his favorite subjects:  “I like to study […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Osamu and Noriko

Sugita School

“I, Kuch Phanet, am nine years old and am studying in the third grade of this new school. I am the #5
student in my class, out of 33 students.”

In Their Own Words. . .

On his favorite subjects “I like to study mathematics because it makes me understand how to calculate. I also like Khmer because I want to know about the history of Cambodia”


On his hobbies “When I have free time, I always read stories and newspapers. I also like to play football (soccer) and help my parents with their work.”


On his family and home “My father’s name is Kuch En. He is 40 years old and is a farmer. My mother’s name is Touch Sophea. She is 30 years old and is a housewife and a farmer. I have no brothers or sisters. The distance from my house to the school is about 500 meters. I go to school on foot everyday.”


Message to Osamu and Noriko Sugita: “I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Sugita for taking care of the kids at my school. I have made up my mind to study as hard as I can and produce my best work. I hope to learn English and computer skills.”