Chhon Sophoen # 147

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Overlake School Chhon Sophoen is an 11 years old fourth grade student at the Overlake School. Out of the 51 students in her class, she was ranked first. On herself:   I have two brothers and one sister; I am the oldest child in my family. One of my […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Overlake School

Chhon Sophoen is an 11 years old fourth grade student at the Overlake School.
Out of the 51 students in her class, she was ranked first.

On herself:


I have two brothers and one sister; I am the oldest child in my family. One of my brothers is also studying at this school. My parents are both farmers. We live three kilometers away from the school.


On the new building:


I am very happy to be studying here! I will try and do my best. At the old school, studying was difficult; when it rained, the rain would leak into the classroom. The roof was made of tin, but it was old and had many holes in it.


Favorite subject:


Khmer, because language enables me to read, write, and develop the country.


On her spare time:


I help my parents with their work, do my homework, and take care of my three-year old brother and six-year old sister.


If she could have one wish:


I would wish for a lot of money


What would you do with the money?

If I had a lot of money, I would give some to an orphanage and to poor people.


If she could travel anywhere


I would go to Angkor Wat because I’ve never been there.


In the future:


I want to become a nurse.