San Lim # 139

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Pearl and Mary Flanders School (October, 2001) Mrs. San Lim is a farmer with five children, two of whom are at the Pearl and Mary Flanders School.  One is in first grade and the other is in fourth grade. In Their Own Words. . . On the new building: […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Pearl and Mary

Flanders School

(October, 2001)

Mrs. San Lim is a farmer with five children, two of whom are at the Pearl and Mary Flanders School.  One is in first grade and the other is in fourth grade.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the new building: “I am very happy to have a nice, new concrete building for my children to study in.”


On the effect of the school: “I think the school will benefit my family, provide my children with good knowledge.  With this knowledge, my children can get good jobs and earn more money to help improve our family’s living condition.”