Kim Bi # 123

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Preav Nippon Foundation School Kim Bi is a third grade student at the Preav Nippon Foundation School. Out of the 45 students in his class, he was ranked second. He is fourteen years old. On the new building: I am very excited to have such a new big building. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Preav Nippon

Foundation School

Kim Bi is a third grade student at the Preav Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the 45 students in his class, he was ranked second. He is fourteen years old.

On the new building: I am very excited to have such a new big building. It has many desks and  my friends and I can sit during lessons. When I was studying in the old building I had problems with the rain. Whenever it rained we couldn’t study, because the rain splashed into the room and out dresses and books got wet. The old building had only one room and was packed with students. My house is about 800 meters from school.


On school subjects: “The subject I like most is mathematics. I can calculate numbers easily and I get a good score when we have tests. .


Oh her spare time: “In my spare time I help my parents to cut small plants when my parents are preparing the soil for farming. Then I collect water and cook rice. I don’t have time to play with friends. I just study at home.


On her future: “In the future I will use my knowledge to find a job. I would like to be a nurse and help the poor people who are sick.”


On her family: “I have two brothers and one sister. I have one brother studying at the new school. He is in the first grade. My parents are farmers. They grow rice in the fields, and plant gourds, pumpkins and cucumbers around our house. They plant the vegetables for food.”


Entertainment travel: “I want to visit in Phnom. I’ve never been there.”