Opening Ceremony 413

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Prek Koy School Todd Alexander, school donor delivers a speech during on the opening ceremony day. Mr. Hem Kimsan, Kang Meas district governor gives a letter of thanks to Justin Lavigne first from right and Todd Alexander, second. Justin Lavigne, school donor cuts the last part of red ribbon […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Prek Koy School

Todd Alexander, school donor delivers a speech during on the opening ceremony day.

Mr. Hem Kimsan, Kang Meas district governor gives a letter of thanks to Justin Lavigne first from right and Todd Alexander, second.

Justin Lavigne, school donor cuts the last part of red ribbon to inaugurate the new school building on Jan 12, 09.

The school donors give a package of school supplies and a sack of rice to each student.

A sack of rice was given to each student’s family and the new school building is under construction.