Mom Chum # 162

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Prey Roung Nippon Foundation School Mr. Mom Chum is the director of the Ro Bas Raing Nippon Foundation School. He is 54 years old. On himself: I have eight children. My youngest son and one granddaughter are both studying in the third grade at this school. My wife is […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Prey Roung Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Mom Chum is the director of the Ro Bas Raing Nippon Foundation School.
He is 54 years old.

On himself:

I have eight children. My youngest son and one granddaughter are both studying in the third grade at this school. My wife is a farmer. In addition to the work with the administration of this school, I also teach the fifth grade. I’ve been teaching since 1979. I became a director in 1994.

On the new building:

On behalf of the school I would like to express our joy and gratitude for the donor. Before, we used to teach the students in a very old school built in 1979, using wood from a former KR kitchen. The roof was covered with thatch and was not good. Now we’ve put tin on the roof, and we’re using it as a teacher housing. There were many difficulties at the old school. There weren’t any good walls, and not enough desks. Water would splash into the classroom from outside whenever it rained, and all the students would get wet. We were also worried about the wind tearing down the building.