The Cambodia Rural School Project
The Rachel Trout and
Emma Tate School
Pream Sareth, an 11-year-old fourth grade student at the school
Preap Sareth is an 11-year-old fourth grade student at the Rachel Trout and Emily Tate School. He was ranked first among the 73 students in his class. He has two sisters who are in fourth and second grade at the new school. His parents are farmers and he lives about 200 m away from the school.
In Their Own Words. . .
On the new building: | “I like the new school building because it is cool. Compared to it, the old building was hot and hard to breathe in because it was very narrow and cramped. In the new building, it is very bright and easy to study.”
On school subjects: | “I like mathematics because it is easy. I don’t like social science because it is difficult to learn.”
On his hobbies: | “In my free time I take care of the family water buffalo. When I meet my friends, we discuss school and the lessons and study.”
On his future: | “I want to graduate from secondary school because I want to gain knowledge. My parents want me to get a lot of certificates for working. I don’t want to move anywhere else because I want to help my parents. I want to be a monk when I grow up to repay my parents.”
Message to the donor: | “I would like to thank the Rinaldo family because they provided this building for me to study in.” |